Below You will find variations for push-ups. Even if you are capable of performing a few push-ups this is a movement worth perfecting and accumulating. Capacity for a lot of push-ing will translate into a far more capable and stable shoulder girdle.


I recommend starting with a version that you are capable of doing 4-5 uninterrupted repetitions of while fresh (well rested/no fatigue)

and performing 2-3 repetitions for as many sets as possible in a 30 minute time period.

It may be advantageous to combine pushing and pulling alternating on each set.

This is a style of accumulation that allows a person to build a baseline of 25-30 repetitions with adequate rest between sets so as to mitigate muscle failure, at least before completing the entire program.


Once you are getting 30+ repetitions in the full 30 minutes you might benefit from shifting to a 5x5 (5 repetitions for 5 sets with 2 minutes rest between sets).

Push-Up Demonstrations (beginner variation at the end)

1st Variation: Push-Up:

Demonstrating Planche Variation with close elbows and forward lean, can be done with wider hands to make the movement easier -lower on inhale - push-up on exhale

2nd Variation: Push-up with Elevated Hands

-lower on inhale - push-up on exhale

3rd Variation: Knees Down:

Do not lose abdominal engagement!

-lower on inhale - push-up on exhale

Wall Push-ups:

-lower on inhale - push-up on exhale

Rows (a pulling activity) will work to balance out the strength in your shoulder girdle.

While continuing to pursue and improve your push-up, consider approaching other fun versions of pushing activities, such as crow, crawling and handstand

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