The one (monad) is a fallacy in manifestation. To recognize the individual is to also note that which it is not; The creation of two. In the realization of duality we have three: The individual (one), the other (two), their relationship (three), and from that interplay all infinity springs forth from that fountain. Many religious systems have their symbol to represent duality (few notice 2 is never only 2)
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Hello Friends,
It has been a while since we connected and much has happened in the interim. Pending who you talk to the story of our collective will contain different highlights and a variety of shadows, though much of the plot will contain similarities. We are all paying attention to similar events, though solutions, concerns and condemnations may come from different directions.
In listening to a psychotherapist / mindfulness teacher, I was struck by the assuredness that the methodology he employs is “best practice.” Over and over, he declared what the “research” shows regarding mindfulness vs. “other” “focus” based practices of meditation. Proof existing in studies focusing on Vipassana meditation showed superior results to the “other” methodologies used in the control group.
Systasis: A setting together, a union.
This beautiful word was first posited by Jean Gebser: a philosopher, linguist and poet of the mid-20th century. Combining words such as system and stasis in what I see as an attempt to encourage a practice of integrating systems as opposed to creating new and better reductions of the whole they intend to model…
I found myself cringing while re-reading my response to the question “Who are you?” from an instagram post I made the other day:
Who Are You?: